General Manager Application First Name (required) Last Name (required) Your Email (required) Address City Zipcode Mobile Number (required) What is the best way to contact you? (required) PhoneTextEmail Choose locations to work 7064 Us 72, Madison, AL3820 University Dr NW, Huntsville, AL3234 N Memorial Pkwy, Huntsville, AL11210 Memorial Pkwy SW, Huntsville, AL Can you be on time to work? YesNo Do you have any outside responsibilities that may require you to miss or be late to work? YesNo This job requires that you lift 50ibs to a waist-high level. Can you perform that task?* YesNo Is your age between 18 and 70? YesNo Are there any days of the week you can not work? MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayNone Have you previously worked at this company? YesNo Are you able to arrive to work at least five minutes prior to you scheduled start time? YesNo This job requires that you wash your hands frequently and sanitize your work area. Are you able to come in contact with cleaning chemicals during the course of your work? YesNo This job requires close contact with seafood items. Are you able to work in the presence of seafood? YesNo Incoming calls for employees can be received on Popeyes lan line. Are you able to store your cell phone outside the restaurant while you are at work? YesNo This job requires you to stand for periods of up to five hours. Are you able to stand on your feet for five consecutive hours? YesNo How many hours per week would you like to work? Name the last school you attended City and state of school Did you graduate? YesNo Years of related experience Hourly rate of pay expected? Date available to start Have you ever been convicted of a felony? YesNo Name of present or most recent employer Present or last employer address Name of person for whom you worked? Employer person phone number Starting Date Ending Date [dat* end_date] What were your specific duties? Please prove you are human by selecting the truck.